Friday’s gospel – 10th May 2024

What do you think heaven will be like?

For some people it is essential to have a clear idea what heaven will appear like, who will be there, what they shall do, but for me I don’t even think about such matters.

They’re not important, because we know that if we are in heaven then we are able to see our heavenly Father in the manner that he would want to see us in: face to face. And we know that he is perfect and his love is perfect, so whatever he provides for us in heaven will be perfect too.

And today’s gospel emphasises that very point. Jesus tells his disciples that they will be sorrowful when he ascends to heaven but they are assured to join him in his heavenly home and at that point they will see and understand all that Jesus has preached about and they will have no more questions.

How marvellous for them!

So let us rejoice that, by the grace of God, we can look forward to heaven where all of the issues of this world will be removed, where will exist in perfection and we can for the first time come to know the full meaning of the faith that we profess.

How glorious that will be for us!

In the meantime, we have to trust God because he never goes back on his word.

Oh, and we have to get there…

Gospel John 16:20-23 ©

Jesus said to his disciples:

‘I tell you most solemnly,

you will be weeping and wailing

while the world will rejoice;

you will be sorrowful,

but your sorrow will turn to joy.

A woman in childbirth suffers,

because her time has come;

but when she has given birth to the child she forgets the suffering

in her joy that a man has been born into the world.

So it is with you: you are sad now,

but I shall see you again, and your hearts will be full of joy,

and that joy no one shall take from you.

When that day comes,

you will not ask me any questions.’