Current Events


Please do not use the donation station in St George’s church to pay for items from the repository shop. It is set up for offertory donations ONLY and it is not possible, for accounting purposes, to identify from the report produced payments which may have been made for goods. Thank you. 


Bishop David Evans will be inducting me as Parish Priest of both St George’s and Our Lady Queen of Peace Parishes on Thursday, 17th October during 7.00 pm. Mass, followed by buffet supper in the Parish Centre. 


I have invited Canon Brian to come back to St George’s to celebrate a thanksgiving Mass for his long and dedicated ministry here in Worcester, on Thursday, 7th November at 7.00 pm. After Mass there will be an opportunity to meet up with him in the Centre while having some light buffet supper. Envelopes will be made available at the back of the Church, in which you can place your offering towards Canon Brian’s presentation. Please return the envelopes no later than 31st October. In addition, there is a list at the back of both churches for those who would like to assist with the provision or preparation of food for the buffet suppers for both events. Please add your name if you can help. Many thanks.


The books that contain all the readings we use at Mass are being changed. As you know the original language of Sacred Scriptures were Hebrew and Greek. Jesus spoke Aramaic. His original words, therefore, have been the subject of many translations. Bishops of England and Wales have changed the translation we use, to make it closer to the original. The new translation must be in place from First Sunday of Advent, so our parish needs to purchase a set of Lectionaries and the Book of the Gospels. They will cost £1090 for each parish, and so I appeal to you if any of you would like to purchase these in memory of your loved ones and in memory of your family. Please speak with me- ( or contact the parish office. Thank you for your support. 


As we enter the month of September, join us as we dedicate ourselves to Our Lady of Sorrows, honouring the seven painful events in the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through her sorrows, Mary shows us the depth of her love for Jesus and the power of faithfulness amidst suffering. 

Date: Tuesday, 10th September Time: 7.30pm – 8.30pm 

Venue: St George’s Catholic Church 

Knights of St Columba

We meet on Tuesday, 17th September at 7.30pm in the Parish hall.


This Sunday, during 9.45pm Mass, all children who are being prepared to receive these Sacraments will be enrolled as candidates. I look forward to their commitment and let us join them in their journey with our prayers.


Enrolment Mass on Saturday, 14th September at St George’s at 12.30pm. The Confirmation Mass will be celebrated by Bishop David Evans and take place at Worcester Cathedral on Tuesday, 26th November.

Nine Lessons and Carol

Vacuum cleaner required for the Holy Dusters

If you have a vacuum cleaner that is in good working condition that you could donate to St George’s church for the Holy Dusters to use on Tuesday when they clean the church, it would be much appreciated. The vacuum cleaners we use are becoming old and tired and in need of a much-deserved rest. Thank you! 


National Eucharistic Congress Bishops, priests and people from all dioceses – will gather at St Mary’s College, Oscott, on Saturday 14 September for a day to renew and deepen our devotion to the Eucharist. This is not a public event. Each diocese will, however, be expected to send pilgrims. The fact that there are limited, invitation-only places for Adoremus at Oscott doesn’t mean that Catholics throughout England and Wales are excluded – far from it. On Sunday 15 September, the Bishops of England and Wales invite all parishes across our countries to have a period of Exposition to unite the faithful in focusing on the Eucharist in anticipation of the Jubilee Year in 2025 with renewed and deepened devotion. This can be a Holy Hour or a period of prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. At St. George’s on Saturday, 14th September, we will have Holy Hour from 11 am to 12 Noon followed by Benediction. As well as on Sunday 15th September, the 11.30 am & 10 am Masses will conclude simply with Benediction. We are letting you know well in advance; in case you would like to change your Mass location and time to join us or if you rely on public transport or someone to give you a lift to warn them that on Sunday 15th September 11. 30 am Mass in St. George’s and 10 am Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace will be a little longer that day, by about 15 minutes.


The next family Mass at St George’s will be on Sunday, 20th October at 9.45am. Please note: there will be no family Mass in September. 


Young people (aged 16-30) who are discerning their vocation are invited to Invocation@Adoremus at St Mary’s College, Oscott on Sunday 15 September, as part of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress.

This is an UNMISSABLE opportunity to reflect on how we follow Jesus and respond to the universal call to Holiness. As well as the celebration of Holy Mass and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, there will be talks and workshops to help explore God’s call alongside other like-minded young people. The event is FREE OF CHARGE, but participants will need to register their attendance.


We are required to sign a consent form, allowing our images to be broadcast on the Mass Livestream.

Please find forms at the back of the church. Please return them in an envelope to Susan Fairman or

hand them into the Sacristy for her attention.

JOB VAVACANCY with the Archdiocese of Birmingham

Senior Surveyor


The Archdiocese is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced RICS Chartered General Practice Surveyor to join its Property Team. The key role of the Property Team is to provide advice and guidance for management of parish property, the school estate as well as manage all property held centrally by the Archdiocese. 

Reporting to the Archdiocese’s Head of Property, you will play a key part in the delivery of the Team’s objectives whilst promoting and supporting the diocesan vision. 

Application deadline: Wednesday 18 September 

See website for details:

Rosary After Mass

The Rosary is prayed before 10am Mass each weekday at St George’s. Come along at 9.30am and join us.


For the past 15 months, three parishioners Simone, Frank and John (who sing in the sat 12.30 and Sunday 9.45 music group) have been on the streets of Worcester praising God for an hour and talking to people about Jesus. One of the group, John Waddoups, has written a book about this and his evangelising on the streets of the UK and Ireland. He has played in all the capital cities and some seaside resorts. The book is called Busking the Gospel and is on sale in the parish repository at a special price of £5. It has been written to encourage people to share their faith in their own way. It is illustrated throughout by John’s son, Stephen, who has autism and learning difficulties. 

Could you be a seed of hope?

The Archdiocese of Birmingham is inviting enthusiastic individuals to create a network of Environment Champions. To celebrate the Season of Creation (1 September – 4 October), please help us get as many parish/cluster/deanery Environment Champions as we can. Your mission is to be a channel of communication between the Archdiocese and your parish, cluster or deanery, to promote Care of Creation and to enthuse others to help in responding to Pope Francis’ call in Laudato Si to a spirituality which supports an ecological conversion. You will receive the full support of the Care for Creation Committee as part of the diocesan effort to act as stewards of creation.