Parish And Community

Parish Safeguarding

These Parishes operate in accordance with Statutory Safeguarding Guidance and the National and Archdioceses policies & procedures at all times. Details of our Parish Safeguarding Representatives are:

Safeguarding representative (St George’s): Emma Raine

Safeguarding representative (Our Lady’s): Sam Rudd

Alternatively, the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted on 0121 230 6240 or via email:

If you have any concern. Please find more information on the church notice board in the main porch.

Find out more of what we do and get involved in:

St Stephen's Guild

The Guild of St. Stephen traces its origins back to 1904, initiated by Father Hamilton McDonald as he established a society of altar servers at the Convent of the Sacred Heart (now Woldingham School) in London. In 1905, Pope Pius X granted formal approval for the Guild’s establishment at Westminster Cathedral.

The Guild’s aims are threefold:

  1. To encourage, positively and practically, the highest standards of serving at the Church’s liturgy and so contribute to the whole community’s participation in a more fruitful worship of God.
  2. To provide altar servers with a greater understanding of what they are doing so that they may serve with increasing reverence and prayerfulness and thereby be led to a deepening response to their vocation in life.
  3. To unite servers of different parishes and dioceses for their mutual support and encouragement.

Upon joining the Guild, a server receives the Guild Medal, crafted from bronze and worn around the neck on a red cord. The letters “XP” are in the center of the medal, being the first two letters of the name “Christ” in Greek. At the top is the crown of victory given by God to everyone who overcomes evil, especially those who die for him. At the bottom are palm branches, traditional signs of martyrs who died for Christ. The motto of the Guild, “Cvi Servire Regnare Est,” which means “To Serve is to Reign,” is located around the edge of the front of the medal. The Latin words “Sancti Stephani Archi Soldalitas,” or “Archconfraternity of Saint Stephen,” are located around the edge on the back.


The material of the medal reflects the server’s tenure in the Guild: Bronze upon enrollment, Silver after 10 years, Silver Medal of Merit after 20 years, and Gold after 50 years of service.

If you would like to join just come along 20 minutes before a mass.

The church choir serves as a harmonious extension of the congregation’s worship experience. Through their melodious voices and unified presence, they elevate the spiritual atmosphere, inspiring devotion and reflection. With dedication and practice, they breathe life into hymns and anthems, conveying the sacred messages embedded within the music. The choir embodies unity, blending individual voices into a collective offering of praise, enriching the tapestry of communal worship with their heartfelt melodies.

The Holy Dusters work diligently to maintain the cleanliness and tidiness of the church, ensuring that it remains a place of reverence and sanctuary. Their meticulous efforts contribute to the overall ambiance, allowing worshippers to focus on their spiritual connection without distraction. Through their dedication and service, stewards and cleaners play a vital role in upholding the sacredness of the church environment, embodying the spirit of hospitality and care.


There is no pre-requisite to be a Holy Duster. Join us every Tuesday morning following the 10am Holy Mass, to sweep, vacuum, and polish the Church and Sacristy.

The church flower caretaker is a silent artist, infusing the sacred space with beauty and reverence through the delicate language of flowers. With skillful hands and a tender heart, they arrange blooms to complement the rhythm of the liturgical calendar, enhancing the worship experience with vibrant colors and fragrant scents. Their work is a testament to the sanctity of nature and the divine presence within the church walls.

Church stewards are the compassionate caretakers of the congregation, embodying the spirit of service and hospitality. They provide invaluable support during worship services and events, guiding and assisting parishioners with grace and kindness. Whether it’s welcoming newcomers with a friendly smile, helping attendees find seating, or assisting with practical needs, stewards ensure that everyone feels welcomed and valued in the church community. Their dedication and selflessness create a nurturing environment where all can feel at home and connected to the spiritual journey shared within the church walls.