Thursday’s gospel – 2nd May 2024

Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit as explained to the Galatians by St Paul. As such, joy is so much more than happiness. We can all be happy, those moments when we are filled with a contentment that flows over into something more.


But joy is so much more. It has a spiritual element of course, as a fruit of the Spirit, that takes the effect of joy to a much deeper level. It is a God-given blessing that we might have joy in the knowledge of God, a sense of happiness that is added to by clarity of purpose and the presence of the Spirit.


So when Jesus tells us that if we keep his commandments we will remain in his love, we need to consider what the implications are for us. It is more than the mechanical exercise of ensuring no major sin takes place but a very positive approach to life with God and life with neighbour.


Remember Jesus reminds us that his commandments mean more than the Ten Commandments that Moses brought down the mountain. Jesus’ commandments take in the Beatitudes and the Last Judgement teachings that give so much to the caring aspects of the life of Christ.


And we are promised that by following those commandments, the commandments of the New Covenant, the commandments that transform us into inherently loving and generous people, we will be filled with the joy of Christ that we can experience through the Spirit and it will make us complete.


So let us pray that we will hear what Christ has to say today; for more people to appreciate the opportunities that exist to be more involved with the love of God and the call to holiness and for us to be open to the Spirit that we may be filled with the joy of Christ – a joy that is incorruptible, that is pure, that is life-giving.


Let us take up Christ on his promise and remain in his love and have our spiritual joy made complete.


What joy!


Gospel John 15:9-11 ©


Jesus said to his disciples:

‘As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.

Remain in my love.

If you keep my commandments you will remain in my love,

just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.


I have told you this so that my own joy may be in you and your joy be complete.’